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Chrysalis Orofacial

Explore our podcast library below for insightful interviews, expert perspectives, and more on orofacial myofunctional therapy. Discover valuable insights and knowledge to enhance your understanding and practice.

Chrysalis Orofacial team talking with family on infant care

Latest Podcast Appareance

Talk the Talk #19

with Special Guest Autumn Henning

Join hosts Janine Stiene owner/operator of Long Island Speech and Myofunctional Therapy, and Toni-Ann Antoniato SLP Director of Long Island Speech and Myofunctional Therapy.

Oral Ties and Orofacial Function

Explore the intricate details of tongue tie and orofacial function. These episodes delve into therapeutic readiness, oral dysfunction, and comprehensive approaches to treatment and care for tongue tie and related orofacial disorders.

Collab Approach to Ankyloglossia

Adopting a multidisciplinary approach improves function & quality of life for patients with ankyloglossia. Learn the benefits of collaboration in treating tongue tie.

Recognizing Oral-Motor Dysfunction

Learn the symptoms of tongue tie across different ages and a multidisciplinary approach. Hear how treatment for one family member can benefit the entire family.

The 411 on
Lip Taping

Learn the root causes of mouth breathing and why addressing them matters, not just the symptoms. Discover myofunctional therapy's role in proper closed mouth posture.

Oral Dysfunction Can Lead to That?

Theresa and Autumn discuss practice-based evidence, collaboration, and functional therapy. Learn to guide the musculature for a proper closed mouth posture.

Tongue Ties-The Whole Picture

De-mystify all things tongue-tie related and why a team approach is necessary for effectively addressing tongue & lip ties. Go into details about how to select the members of your baby's care team.

Therapy Readiness for Tongue Tie Releases

Learn about the causes of mouth breathing and the importance of addressing them, not just the symptoms. Discover how myofunctional therapy helps with closed mouth posture.

Personal Growth
& Professional Insights

Join Autumn Henning as she shares her journey of personal growth, self-discovery, and professional insights. Learn about the importance of embracing uniqueness, continuous learning, and the impact of specialized training on her career and practice.

Talk The Talk #19 With Special Guest

Join Janine Stiene and Toni-Ann Antoniato as they interview Autumn Henning, discussing her journey in the myofunctional therapy industry and the insights she’s gained along the way.

Being Your Own
Secret Sauce

Autumn Henning discusses the value of observation, critical thinking, and passion in her practice. Learn about her business journey and newly established professional online courses.

Podcast with Martha Macaluso

Listen to Autumn Henning as she shares her insights and experiences in the field of myofunctional therapy with host Martha Macaluso. Gain valuable knowledge from this discussion.

I am My Own
Secret Sauce

Autumn shares her journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Learn how embracing uniqueness and continuous learning can lead to personal and professional transformation.

Myofunctional Insights

Autumn Henning discusses bridging the gap between providers and shares exciting announcements. Learn treatment strategies and resources for myofunctional therapy.

Courses & Clinical Services

Autumn Henning shares how her specialized private practice has increased her impact. Learn about her journey, the E3 Model of Care, and TOTS: Tethered Oral Tissues Specialty Training.

Expert Discussions and Interviews

Gain knowledge from expert discussions and interviews with leading professionals in the field. These episodes cover a wide range of topics, including the significance of multidisciplinary approaches, speech impediments, and orofacial development through the lifespan.

Feeding Solutions by Ashley Waguespack

Autumn Henning explores orofacial function, feeding challenges, and lactation support. Discover how speech, oral development, and collaboration shape lifelong health.

Chrysalis Orofacial Services

Autumn Henning shares the comprehensive services offered at Chrysalis Orofacial. Learn about the impact of orofacial function on daily life, the importance of early intervention, and hear client success stories.

Therapeutic Readiness with Autumn R. Henning

Listen as we discuss pre-procedure and how to achieve benchmarks before a tongue tie release. Learn the criteria and guidelines to determine if a patient is ready for a release. 

Interview with Autumn Henning COM, SLP

Chat with Autumn Henning on everything Myofunctional. This interview discusses bridging the gap between providers, utilizing other professionals, educational resources and all things treatment verses therapy.

Hometown Heroes: Airway Edition

Autumn Henning goes in-depth about orofacial function and the importance of early intervention. Learn about red flags, breastfeeding tips, and guiding metrics for parents.

Orofacial Development Through the Lifespan

Autumn Henning specializes in orofacial function and development throughout the lifespan. Discover her insights on multidisciplinary approaches and the impact of orofacial myology on overall health.

Tongue Tie

Autumn Henning discusses Orofacial Myology Therapy (OMT) with Kate Broderick. Gain insights into the technical and practical aspects of OMT from two experts in the field.

Top 3 Reasons for Speech Impediments

Autumn Henning bust common speech myths and reasons for speech sound disorders. Learn about the role of the tongue in speech and the importance of collaboration between hygienists and SLPs.

Practical Tips and Resources

Access practical tips and valuable resources for maintaining orofacial health. These episodes offer how-to guides, FAQs, and expert advice on various aspects of orofacial therapy and care, helping you achieve better health and function.

I Spy with my Myo Eye

Brittny and Autumn discuss all things TOTs, including pre and post-op therapy, patient education, and optimal timing for treatment. Learn about the essential factors for effective TOTs management.

Where to Start with TOTs?

Autumn and Hallie discuss tongue-tie symptoms, assessments, and treatment timelines. Learn about creating a treatment team and the importance of post-release therapy for optimal outcomes.

Care of

Autumn Henning discusses the lifelong effects of tongue tie, from utero to adulthood. Learn the multidisciplinary care approach and how proper treatment can improve overall health.

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