Maternal Child Connections
Liz Roberson
Crest Hill
I currently work as a certified nurse in maternal newborn nursing (RNC-MNN) and for the past 20 years I have worked on the postpartum unit at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn. Recently I completed a 3 day course to become a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST).
While I still remain there 3 days a week, outside of the hospital walls I continue to help breastfeeding dyads in their own homes. It has been a great pleasure to help so many families successfully breastfeed! I became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in 2015 so that I could spend more time educating and helping families on a more one on one basis. It was outside the hospital walls I began my own educationally journey to understand the tethered oral tissue world to benefit all of the dyads I work with to help each baby reach their full potential.
I have spent time with my clients going to appointments with myofunctional speech therapists, and infant bodyworkers to understand the other pieces that are so impactful in the breastfeeding dyad. This has helped me tremendously, to know how to examine the infant through their lenses. I have also completed this tethered oral tissue specialty training as well as GOMAP: Guided Oral Movements with Active Patterning for infant and toddler feeding. Lastly, I was able to follow Dr. Geilvelis (who has also taken this course) for a day to watch the actual release process to better understand what my clients are going through on procedure day. This day was invaluable to me!
I live in Crest Hill with my teenage son. I do in-home lactation consultations serving the southwest suburbs while my boss Lisa Zimmermannn covers the city.