Holly Duty
BS, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist
ATX Myo therapy offers a holistic approach to wellness and encourages lifelong health through improved posture, better breathing, and proper oral function. ATX Myo therapy is individualized! There is no cookie cutter program or ready-made treatment plan. Your personal health goals combined with the education and experience of a caring provider will determine your treatment plan, and I would be blessed to be a part of your health care team!
Our Program is appropriate for children, teens and adults. Program goals are individualized and are meant to create new healthy oral habits for children, teens and adults. The benefits of healthy habits can include nasal breathing, a proper swallow pattern, favorable resting tongue position, improved sleep quality, and preserving orthodontic results.
Positive Impact: With an Orofacial Myology program, a patient can regain the joy of eating, speaking, breathing, and even sleeping more soundly. Cosmetic improvements can help restore confidence and self-esteem. We believe that everyone deserves to be educated about myofunctional disorders and treated if they suffer from OMDs. We endeavor to increase awareness of Orofacial Myology amongst the medical, dental, and academic communities to support the acceptance and progress of this holistic therapy world-wide.